Project Description


Ants are social insects; where you find one, you’ll most likely find a whole bunch of them. If you discover a line of ants in your residential/commercial property, then it’s time that you get the help of Inland Pest Control.

Arts can be really tricky as they can live and thrive almost anywhere, both indoors and outdoors. Outside, they can be found underneath large rocks, logs, etc. Inside, they can be found making nests inside your walls or in any place where there is a void. They also tend to be found in places moisture accumulates, such as leaky pipes. They’re most likely to look for shelter inside your home when it’s raining outside, or during the fall months.

How We Treat for Ants

Eliminate Outdoor Ant Mounds – Eradicating outdoor ant mounts is the most effective way of destroying the colonies since it’s their primary source. We’ll most likely use a spray insecticide to soak the mound and abolish the colony.

Spray the Perimeter – We’ll spray the outdoor perimeter of your home that will act as a barrier from ants. If your residential/commercial property requires it, we’ll respray every 60 days to make sure that you’re fully shielded from these pests.

Depending on your specific needs, we may implement different methods in your ant elimination plan. All of our services are customized to each property, so give us a contact us today to schedule a pest inspection so that we can determine the issue and provide you with a free quote!

How to Prevent Ants


  • Practice good sanitation. Clean right away when someone spills a soda and maintain the property as clean as possible
  • Limit food consumption and preparation to one or two designated areas that get cleaned on a daily basis.
  • Eliminate gaps and cracks that can serve as an entryway for ants. Probable places include the foundation, window frames, door frames, and baseboards.
  • Stacked or piled materials such as bricks, stones, lumber, and leaf clutter should be kept as far away from the property as possible.
  • Repair leaky faucets and pipes.
  • Trim tree branches, scrubs, and any other vegetation that can serve as an ant bridge to your property.

How to Prevent Carpenter Ants

  • Remove stumps and dying trees that are within a 50-foot range of the property. They’re perfect places for new colonies to start.
  • Opt for inorganic mulches rather than organic ones, such as stone and gravel.
  • Inspect old trees carefully to check for signs of outdoor colonies